How To Help

Child sponsorship is creating a bright future for the children in Rakai, but no monthly commitment is necessary to change lives.
A one time donation can have powerful effect on a child, a family, and on the entire community.
You have the opportunity to build a special relationship with a child in in Rakai-Uganda and you will get the opportunity to follow the impact of your gift through letters, photographs, and rep[orts on their progress.
For as little as one pound a day, your contribution ensures your sponsored child attends school, learns to read and write, receives skills training and learns about HIV/AIDS.
DFU calls all passionate persons, businesses and NGOs to give a hand towards this noble cause of helping the needy.
This can be done by directly donating through the DFU coordinator in the UK and/or purchasing products from Pure Bliss Spa in Sunderland, UK. Craft items made by guardians and parents of the needy children in Uganda including; Necklaces, Bracelets, Mats and Baskets, which are made from materials that are environmental friendly.
DFU is more ready to work and partner with passionate NGOS and persons/Business groups to provide support to the needy in our area of operation, currently DFU works with Pure Bliss Spa UK and individuals who are currently supporting the activities in Rakai district.
We also run campaigns and other initiatives as a way of fundraising and currently with the help of Team Denise Foundation UK and we are currently planning a charity ball in October.
We call all friends and well-wishers to come and join us for causing a fundamental change in in the lives of orphans in the rural communities of Rakai- Uganda.
The Denise Foundation UK is a registered charity in England and Wales, No. 1178870